Wednesday, January 22, 2014



Marijuana is not a drug, it has been used for thousands of years. It is amazing that a few parasite beast could make a bush that God put on this earth illegal. The reason they made it illegal is profit, it would interfere with the Prozac, Zoloft and all other man-made gimmicks. The drug and medical industrial establishment is one of the largest drain on the people of the world .

Marijuana is too easy to grow, so if it is legal the government will not be able to tax it like alcohol, not many of us can setup a distillery in our back yard.
The parasites have taxed tobacco to the limit, the poor mans tax. A poor man has to work hard all day. He cannot go to the country club, he cannot jump in his swimming pool. The most he can do is maybe drink beer, smoke tobacco, and drown his sorrows.

Look how unfair the parasite system is.

If a rich man smoke and drink all the taxes would be minuscule to his wealth, While the poor man will spend most of his to buy tobacco and beer.
There are a lot of people who feel they have the divine rite to judge others, these people use religion as their tool and they can justify even making Gods weed illegal.

The right thing to do is not to legalize marijuana because it should not have been illegal in the first place. Marijuana should be no more or no less illegal than mint, tea, coffee, etc. Man should have access to all that God has put on this earth.
The judges will say that marijuana makes people unproductive but this is not true. Some people may be unproductive because they cannot pass the drug test to get a job. Einstein  probably would not have written the theory of relativity without smoking, this does not mean that you should smoke if you do not need to.

Einstein needed to smoke, while you may just need rice and beans to to do your thing, but no one should judge you.

They will say smoking causes cancer but they will not say the thousands of cubic feet of pollution produced by just one car, multiply by the billions of cars does anything to a person. They say that smokers are more sickly and tax the countries health-care and entitlement system. This is absolutely untrue, smokers will die five to ten years earlier than non smokers. It probably would be better to mandate smoking if that could save the country 10 years of social security:)

Why should you judge how I should live or die what gives you that rite to laud it over me. The tax on a pack of cigarette is about 75%. The tax on a swimming pool is nothing, yet a lot of people die from drowning each year. The difference is the poor pay the so called sin tax. Even if the rich have their champaign it is nothing to their wealth, the wealth that the poor workers produces for them.

Allow Darwin's theory to work.

Get rid of all drug laws and let Darwin have his way. This would produce an immediate shortage of dangerous drugs because there would be on price incentive to produce them, and those who would use them will die early and do not live to produce offspring.  This is called natural selection. Allow Gods system to work and evolve in the best direction.

The drug industry both legal and illegal is the largest industry, and the greatest source of income for the beast.

The only reason to make substances illegal is to make money.

These laws are trying to usurp Gods work. Gods system is not fixed, it is in constant creation and evolution. Let natural selection reign.
Unuseminucum 1/22/2014

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